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About Me
First and foremost, I'm an imperfect mom of 2 spirited children.
My life and my kids aren't perfect. So, I keep it real and I get it, my friend.
I totally, totally get it.
I am a Master Teacher (Brown University) with 30 years of experience working with children and families. I'm a multi-certified parent educator, I practice yoga and meditation, and I am happiest being outside. I've been a game designer, an elite athlete, and I proudly coached a team of college rookies to nationally top-ranked status.
I get amazing results with parents who want peaceful, respectful, happy homes ... parents who feel stuck, unhappy, and flat-out drained by parenthood ... parents who want to replace chaos with clarity ... parents who are ready to ditch what's NOT working.
I believe that parenting is a learned skill and a mindfully-crafted art.
So, I lean-in with good people to teach them how to become great parents.
My approach to parenting is conscious, practical, and effective.
I only teach the best stuff. The real stuff. No woo-woo.
I'm not certain what your specific challenge is, but I am certain I can help you.
When you are ready to replace feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with feeling empowered and effective ... I'm here.
Let's do this. Together.
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